Lose Weight fast
with the Cabbage Soup Diet

With the Cabbage Soup diet you can lose weight quickly, but it is not a long term solution.

The diet is set up to last only seven days. It is a good start to be followed with a more moderate diet, if you want to maintain the weight loss.

During the 7 days, eat as much soup as you desire and drink several glasses of water. In addition, add every day either fruit and vegetables. One day eat several bananas, another day eat several tomatoes in addition to the soup.

A sample of 7 day meals:

Day 1: Cabbage soup, fruit and drink water or black coffee.
Day 2: Cabbage soup and other vegetables. For dinner a baked potato with butter.
Day 3: Cabbage soup, fruits and vegetables.
Day 4: Cabbage soup, 4-6 tomatoes and meat or fish.
Day 5: Cabbage soup, 6-8 bananas and fat free milk.
Day 6: Cabbage soup, meat and vegetables.
Day 7: Cabbage soup, rice, fruit juice and vegetables.

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